United Way of Hancock County offers a variety of ways for Difference Makers to support our community. Your donations add up to remarkable results!
Explore the following ways to give to find what works best for you.
Use this secure link to make a one-time or monthly credit card donation.
Individuals and companies can determine the amount and frequency of their donation. United Way Hancock County will send an invoice directly to your home or office.
Set up one-time or regular withdrawals from your bank account. With the ease and power to select the amount and frequency, this option also allows for easy tracking of your annual contributions.
United Way is the only nonprofit that offers direct payroll deductions for employees who choose to donate. Join over 100 local workplaces committed to making a difference in Hancock County. Click here to explore a personalized campaign for your company, or make a pledge now.
By contributing appreciated securities to United Way of Hancock County, you make a powerful community contribution while gaining valuable tax advantages. If you have owned appreciated securities for at least a year and a day, your contribution could eliminate capital gains tax, allowing you to claim market value for your donation.
Planned gifts are one of the best ways to ensure ongoing support for years to come.