Become a Partner Agency

We harness the collective power of programming and resources to achieve results that no one agency can achieve on its own.

United Way Partner Agencies share our vision of a community where every family, individual and child can thrive. By working together and combining efforts, we help ensure that all community needs are met without duplicating services.

To apply as a new United Way of Hancock County Partner Agency, your organization must be a not-for-profit agency, as designated by the IRS, offering services addressing one or more of our identified impact areas: Championing Children's Issues, Fighting Hunger, Promoting Safety & Health, Supporting Safe Housing and Fostering Financial Stability.

If you think your nonprofit agency or program would be a good fit for United Way of Hancock County, or if you are an existing Partner Agency with a signed Partner Agreement and want to apply for a new program, please complete the form below. We'll be in contact soon!

1. IRS Nonprofit Determination Letter
Upload requirements
2. Articles of Incorporation
Upload requirements
3. Bylaws
Upload requirements
4. Signed Counter-Terrorism Compliance Form
Upload requirements
5. Nondiscrimination Policy
Upload requirements
Which UWHC priority area does your program most closely align with?