That is the inspiration behind our Vulnerable Children Initiative, dedicated to helping kids find a better path in life. And it’s the driving force behind the impassioned, collaborative work of so many local nonprofits, government agencies and community leaders in Hancock County.
We will not let our kids lose hope and a vision for a better future.
We will not let our kids fall behind in school because they are hungry, or because they don’t feel safe at home.
We will not let our kids slip through the cracks, and we will not let them give up on their dreams.
Local agencies and child advocates work tirelessly to champion children in our community through prevention services and supports, and through systems in place to protect vulnerable children and strengthen families. This year-round work is dependent upon public, private and nonprofit organizations coming together to solve complex issues. But it also requires caring adults who are willing to give their time, talents and financial resources to ensure that none of our children are left behind.
Our partners in helping vulnerable youth:
West Ohio Food Bank
Two in five Hancock County students don't have enough to eat, with hunger impacting their growth and development as well as their performance at school. We support West Ohio Food Bank in its mission to regularly distribute food to families in need throughout Hancock County.
YMCA Feed-A-Child Program
Many children in our community rely on free and reduced school lunches. To ensure these students are properly fed over the weekends and during summer break, we support the YMCA's Feed-A-Child Program.
CASA/GAL of Hancock County
No child should be left to navigate the court system due to abuse or neglect. We believe that every child deserves a safe and permanent home, so we support CASA of Hancock County's volunteers who are specially trained to advocate for the best interest of children.
Center for Safe & Healthy Children
Children affected by abuse need a safe, caring place where they and their family can be guided through the legal and healing process in the least traumatic way possible. We support the Center for Safe & Healthy Children's forensic interview and examination program, offering a safe place for children to share their story in their own words with a team of experts.
Hope House
We know that safe, reliable housing is essential to a child's overall growth and wellbeing. We support Hope House's Independence Project, which moves homeless families into permanent, affordable housing and out of poverty; and its Hope House Shelter, which provides transitional housing to women and children.
Open Arms Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Services
It is imperative that children be removed from abusive home situations and know the signs of domestic abuse and dating violence. We support Open Arms Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Services in its mission to empower survivors of domestic and sexual abuse in their journey toward recovery.
Boy Scouts of America, Black Swamp Area Council
Positive youth development begins early, with a lasting impact into young adulthood and beyond. That's why we partner with Boy Scouts of America, Black Swamp Council to serve disadvantaged children in Hancock County through programs that promote mentorship, career exploration and more.
Children's Mentoring Connection
Children with a mentor have better social, emotional and academic outcomes, and having a mentor is shown to improve a student's school attendance by 50%. We support Children's Mentoring Connection in its mission to recruit adult and high school volunteers to serve as mentors to vulnerable children.
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Scouting is a great way to encourage girls to dream big, explore new interests and spark their imaginations. That's why we partner with Girl Scouts of Western Ohio to assist girls in need who want to participate in Girl Scouts but do not have the financial resources to do so.
Salvation Army
A child's learning and development does not stop over the summer months. That's why we support the Salvation Army's summer enrichment programs.
Challenged Champions Equestrian Center
Children grow and develop through a variety of programs and techniques, such as the therapeutic riding program at Challenged Champions Equestrian Center. Benefits include improved balance and fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, speech, self-confidence and social skills.
How you can help put kids on a better path
The challenges facing children are unique and ever changing.
School personnel, counselors, coaches and others who interact regularly with youth tell us that as we emerged from the pandemic, children’s mental and behavioral health showed up as immediate concerns. At the same time, we know that many children in our community don’t have enough to eat. Families are struggling to secure safe, reliable childcare, and some kids are adjusting to being raised by grandparents or other family members.
If you have a heart for helping kids, explore the many volunteer opportunities on our website, or call us at 419-423-1432. By working collaboratively, we can Make a Difference for our youth.