United Way names McClurkin as new CEO

FINDLAY, Ohio (June 7, 2024) After a thorough nationwide search and interview process, United Way of Hancock County (UWHC) has named Kelley McClurkin its new CEO effective June 13.

The Findlay native, long-time resident and local entrepreneur will lead the agency in its year-round activities and fundraising efforts, community partnerships and collaborations, advocacy, programming and more.

McClurkin assumes the reins of the nonprofit agency from immediate past CEO Angela DeBoskey, who announced her planned retirement in February.

“Kelley is a great fit for this critical role in our organization and for the entire community,” said Blair Lane, UWHC board chair. “Her leadership style and past experience align well with our core values and the overall approach to United Way’s life-changing work. We are confident she is the right leader to guide this organization into its next chapter.”

The search for the new CEO stretched far beyond Hancock County. In addition to its board of directors and an executive hiring committee composed of corporate and community leaders, UWHC received consultation from United Way Worldwide in the facilitation of an executive search including numerous candidates across the country.

The executive committee conducted virtual and in-person interviews to narrow top candidates, who then had final interviews with UWHC’s board, staff and DeBoskey. Approximately 10-12 hours were invested in each finalist, including social receptions and in-depth one-on-one discussions to gain a clear understanding of each before reaching a decision.

McClurkin was born and has lived in the community the majority of her life, and today resides with her husband, Chip, in the house her grandparents built. The 19-year owner and operator of Bread Kneads Bakery & Deli in Findlay received the Findlay Hancock County Chamber of Commerce SBA Awards Female Entrepreneur of the Year in 2004.

She has been highly involved in the community, serving on several boards and committees throughout the years, including the Hancock County Task Force; Findlay-Hancock County Chamber of Commerce Advisory Board; Findlay Hancock County Alliance; Downtown Economic Restructuring Committee; and Findlay City Schools Millstream Career Center Culinary-Hospitality Advisory Board.

Most recently, McClurkin has served as UWHC’s Resource Development Director for the past three years, where she coordinated fundraising efforts, created strategies to increase awareness and engage donors, and increased campaign goals each year. She will remain in the role as she assumes CEO duties until the position is filled.

“It’s been an honor and privilege to go through this process and be chosen for this role,” said McClurkin. “The United Way has allowed me to live out a passion of mine -- to be a part of a solution that connects people to the resources they need for success in life. I’ve been fortunate to be a part of a wonderful, impactful team, and to have learned from Angela’s (DeBoskey) extraordinary leadership. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”

She holds degrees from Miami University of Ohio; the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy: Principles & Techniques of Fundraising; and Wharton Online ESG/CSR Certification in Business Strategies for a Better World.

DeBoskey, who has pledged to make the transition “uncommonly strong,” will remain active in a structured and thorough onboarding before the start of the organization’s annual campaign season this fall.