Days of Caring 2025: May 5-9 & Sept. 15-17
You've come to the right place to find everything qualifying agencies will need to get your spring or fall project submitted and completed.
To get started, please review the guidelines below and submit your project, using United Way of Hancock County's DOC Agency Project Request Form. Agencies with 501(c)3 status, government offices, schools and certain for-profits are eligible to submit projects for Days of Caring. Volunteers typically work in four-hour time blocks (8am-12pm and 12-4pm), and projects have the option to run over multiple days.
Volunteers United will make every effort to fill project requests within the Days of Caring event. Please bear in mind that our volunteer base may be limited, but we will make every effort to get your project well-staffed and completed.
Days of Caring: Guidelines for Agencies
Preparing for your project:
- Assign a representative from your agency to be the contact and organizer for the project. This person should be on site to direct volunteers the day of the project.
- You will be connected with a volunteer team leader. Set up a meeting to talk with your team leader(s) before the event to review the project, so that volunteers are informed and ready to go. Make sure volunteers know where they can park and if there is a need to carpool.
- Suggest proper attire for the project (closed-toed shoes for construction, old clothes for painting, etc.).
- Please be prepared with the materials and equipment needed to complete the project. On the day of your project, be prepared to receive the volunteers, with your supplies and project plan ready to go. You can ask volunteers to bring their own tools, such a shovel or rake, if necessary.
- Make sure you identify, manage and communicate any risks involved with your project, such as volunteers' use of tools, threat to injury, your clients' safety, etc.
- For each project submitted, please prepare two backup projects in the event that volunteers finish early. Many teams work very quickly and have the ability to finish projects faster than you might think. If possible, plan a project in the case of rain. Teams may be willing to schedule a rain date and/or come back to finish an outdoor project as well.
- On the day of the project, recruited volunteers become the volunteers of your agency, not United Way of Hancock County. You will want to have a liability release ready for volunteers to sign on the day of the project.
On the day of the project:
- Welcome your team and direct them to an area where team members can get name tags and sign your liability release.
- Tell your team about your agency and its mission so they fully understand the positive impact they are making. This is a chance to gain advocates for your work!
- Give a tour. Make sure to point out the location of a first-aid kit and restrooms, and any safety hazards. Review any COVID-19 or other safety protocols.
- Feel free to provide water or snacks.
- Be aware that media representatives may be on site.
- Enjoy and have a wonderful day!